Partnerships and affiliations
Constanta Port Operators Association has developed the following national and international partnerships and affiliations:
Employers’ Confederation from Industry, Agriculture, Construction and Services from Romania (CONPIROM)
Represents us in all state structures and social dialogue, fostering the development of the correct legislation that supports a competitive and prosperous industry and the good running of society.
It is constituted, according to the Social Dialogue Law no. 62/2011, on the criterion of activity sectors or territorial and is formed from associative structures, organizations and employers’ federations. At present, it has 22 affiliated Employers’ Federations and Associations, representing at least 7% of the number of employees in the national economy and territorial structures in 25 counties, which represents more than half plus one of the counties of Romania.
This promotes and defends the economic, technical, legal, and social interests – general and common to its members. It advocates for the respect of legislation, the promotion of professional ethics, and the norms of fair competition both in the activity and in the relations between its members, as well as in relations with other economic agents, with state administration bodies and other structures of civil society.
The Confederation actively participates in all structures and at all levels of social dialogue and supports – with the experience, knowledge, and information of its members – the elaboration of decisions and normative acts that interest the activity and the good progress of economic agents, industry, economy, and society in general.
The Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation
The Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation is the framework for the development, dialogue and efficient management of resources in the energy, oil, gas and energy mining sectors in Romania.
Established in the year 1991 by the Constituent General Assembly, the Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation obtained its legal personality though the Civil Decision no. 101 of 25.02.1992, sentenced by Bucharest Sector 1 Court of First Instance in the File no. 81/PJ/1992.
Promoter of Development
The motor of the Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation’s activity consists in consolidating a unitary position in relation to the implementation of the best practices in the field it represents – energy, oil, gas and energy mining. By perfecting the methods for understanding and communicating the industry’s constitutive bases we succeed, as partners, in promoting the principles of free competition, fairness among the members and performance of the Romanian business environment.
The Federation acts as a spokesperson for the energy sector, being an active partner in the social dialogue, both at national and at sector level. Through the permanent analysis and debate of the regulations regarding the field of activity, we aim at supporting and efficiently representing the freely expressed interests by the energy industry representatives.
The Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation is a founding member of CONCORDIA Employers’ Confederation, taking part through its legal representatives in its Constituent General Assembly of 12.02.2007. *Concordia is the employers’ confederation representative for the business environment, reuniting the most powerful sector-specific federations in the Romanian economy and comprising 7 of the first 10 companies according to the number of employees and turnover.
The single Romanian employers’ confederation affiliated to IOE (International Organization of Employers), Concordia is permanently collaborating with its European partners and it actively promotes the observance of economic liberty and of social responsibility, of good governance and the investment framework’s predictability.
Romanian Federation of Employers in the Aero-Naval Field (FRPAN)
It is the representative organization at the level of the aero-naval activity sector and activities related to these.
This represents and defends the rights and interests of its members in relations with public authorities, trade unions and other natural and/or legal persons and supports them in establishing technical, economic, personnel, common strategies, with the aim of carrying out a profitable and sustainable activity.
USER – Union of Expedition Companies from Romania

Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pro Danube International
It is a European organization that promotes better infrastructure and services that support the intended ecological use of waterways. Its main objectives are to create a favorable political framework for improving waterway infrastructures and promoting investments in ports. The association represents companies that are oriented towards the business potential of the Danube, in the debate on transport policy, transport technology, and regional development. It does not aim to compensate or duplicate existing initiatives, but only wants to integrate and consolidate their activities.
The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC)
It is an apolitical, non-profit organization that brings together the best international experts and offers consultancy on the technical, economic, and environmental aspects related to water transport infrastructures. It is the main partner for governments, but also for the private sector in the design, development, maintenance of ports, waterways, and coastal areas.
Founding member of the Constanța Port School Foundation, the only provider of professional training and qualification in the Port of Constanța starting from 1997.