Who we are

Who we are

Established in 1992, the Constanta Port Business Association is an autonomous and non-political organization, operating as a private, non-profit legal entity.

Unifying platform for maritime idustry and commerce

Our association serves as a unifying platform for leading port terminals, sea and inland waterway carriers, rail and road transporters, logistics and naval services providers, as well as important freight forwarders and goods traders.

More than half of the operators in Romanian maritime ports are our members, recording over 70% of the annual port traffic and contributing significantly to the local and national economy.

Since 1997, the association has been a co-founding member of the Constanta Port Foundation School, the primary provider of professional training and qualification programs for the maritime industry workforce in the Port of Constanta.


With a history of over 30 years, the Constanta Port Business Association has been dedicated to representing and defending the collective interests of its members while playing a crucial role in fostering the sustainable development of the Romanian Black Sea ports.

The organization represents, promotes, supports and defends the interests of its members in accordance with the objectives and purposes of their activity, including in the relationship with public authorities, trade unions, private persons and other legal bodies, both at the national and international level.

Through strategic initiatives focused on port development and promotion, our organization is deeply committed to enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of port services.


Objectives and activities

We are focused on objectives that include:

  • Ensuring a modern and flexible legal framework, adapted to the legitimate interests of the members.
  • Promoting fair competition practices that provide equal opportunities for each of our members.
  • Supporting and defending the interests of the members and promoting their activities
  • Collaboratively developing strategic projects with a positive economic, social, and environmental impact.
  • Connecting to the international economic environment and creating opportunities that cover the private business interests of the members and the development of the port .
  • Creating a positive and proactive dialogue climate with public authorities, trade unions, national and international bodies.
  • Facilitating our members’ access to information of maximum interest at local, national, and international levels

To achieve the established objectives, we undertake a series of specific activities. Thus, our organization:

  • Represents, promotes, supports, and defends the economic, technical, and legal interests of its members.
  • Advocates for the full freedom of action of its members to develop and optimize their activities.
  • Pursues the achievement of common objectives of its members, primarily but not limited to economic, social and environmental objectives for sustainable development
  • Checks the fulfillment by the port authorities of the obligations that are due to the members of the organization
  • of obligations by port authorities towards the members of the Organization.
  • Promotes fair competition practices to ensure equal opportunities for each of its members.
  • Participates in any federations or employer confederations, associations, or any other organizations established at the industry level, regionally or nationally, as well as in international organizations.
  • Acts to facilitate its members’ access to information acquired by the Organization through its membership in various international or Romanian organizations, including regarding management activities, consulting services, or workforce training.
  • Works towards fostering dialogue with the authorities in the field and with the unions; form joint employer-union committees and support or ensure the representation of its members in negotiations with unions at territorial or industry level
  • Designates, under the law, representatives for negotiating and concluding collective labor agreements, other negotiations and agreements in relations with public authorities, unions, as well as in tripartite structures for management and social dialogue.
  • Assists and represents its members (upon request) before courts of all levels, jurisdiction bodies, other institutions, or authorities, through its own or elected representatives.
  • Additionally, it involves in port development and modernization projects and in promotional activities


Through strong member cohesion and effective collaboration, proficiency, and responsiveness, Constanta Port Business Association has achieved the following:

  • Sustainable development and modernization of the port
  • Access to EU and state budget funding for investment projects in the port’s superstructure
  • Participation in the development, completion, and amendment of the port legal framework, aligned with European Union regulations
  • Constructive dialogue with port and government authorities, as well as European bodies, to improve all aspects of the port industry
  • International promotion of the port’s facilities, advantages, and competitiveness
  • Prompt and good response to regional and international geopolitical and economic challenges with effective solutions