Who we are

Who we are

CONSTANTA PORT BUSINESS ASSOCIATION is an autonomous and apolitical organization, incorporated as a private, non-profit legal entity.

The organization represents the common interests of its members, supports and protects them, including in relation to public authorities, trade unions, other natural persons and legal entities, in relation to the scope and field of activity, both nationally and internationally.

In order to reach the set objectives we perform several specific activities whereby we promote, support and protect the economic, technical and legal interests of our members.


Together we stand! We are Constanta Port business community!

A powerful body and a single voice with a key role in the sustainable development of the Romanian Black Sea ports, by increasing investments, goods traffic, ensuring an adequate legislative framework and promoting the private port industry, so that we raise the level of competitiveness compared to bench mark ports in the same hinterland that we serve.


We are oriented towards objectives that ensure facilities for the community of our members, which include:

  • a modern and flexible legal framework, adapted to the legitimate interests of the members
  • promoting their activities
  • connecting to the international economic environment and creating economic opportunities
  • the development of strategic projects in order to increase the traffic of goods and the quality standards of port services
  • supporting and defending their interests
  • dialogue and relations between the public and private sectors

Activities and objectives

  • represents, promotes, supports and defends the economic, technical and legal interests of its members;
  • acts in order to ensure the full freedom of action of its members in order to develop and increase the efficiency of their activities;
  • aims to achieve the common objectives of its members, mainly without limitation, economic, social, environment and sustainable development objectives, including by checking the fulfillment by the port authorities of the obligations for which they are responsible towards the members of the Organization;
  • promotes fair competition practices, in order to ensure equal opportunities for each of its members;
  • participates in any owners’ federations or confederations, associations or any other bodies set up on branch, regional or national level, and within international organizations;
  • acts in order to facilitate the access of its members to the information which the Organization acquires as a result of its membership to various specialized international or Romanian organizations, including regarding management consultancy or occupancy activities;
  • acts in order to develop the dialog with trade unions, creating joint owners’ – union committees, and supports or, as the case may be, ensures the representation of its members in the negotiations with the trade unions at territorial or branch level;
  • nominates, according to the law, representatives in the negotiation and execution of collective labor agreements, other negotiations and agreements in relation to public authorities, unions and in management and social dialog tripartite structures;
  • assists and represents its members (upon their request) before courts of law of all degrees, jurisdiction bodies, other institutions or authorities, by own or appointed defenders.